I am Modern Logo Designer...I am using this blog to share my logo design ideas,templates and my experience and knowledge about logo design with you...! If you want to contact me personally, email me at the following email ... modernlogodesignerinfo@gmail.com


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Logo redesign project of Modern Logo Designer's Logo

Okay guys,
From the time I started this blog and created the logo here, I have had the impression that this logo is not very successful...I created this logo for temporary use...I needed a logo to be used until the layout of the site template was changed...That is why this logo was temporarily created with a little sporty...I was also not impressed by the color used...So I decided to redesign this logo...

When designing the logo, I thought it must be like this..
  • Be simple and professional
  • Modern logo designer should be able to reflect the brand
  • It should only be shown in black
  • The name Modern Logo Designer should stand out
Okay...I opened Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 and started working...
I've created 6 logo design ideas...For this I have modeled the logos of some of the most famous brands in the world...Ex - Samsung, Huawei...

I designate these 6 logo design ideas from A1 to A6







Okay these are my logo design ideas for Modern Logo Designer...What do you like?...The difference between A2 and A3 is just the font...
However, here are my 3 favorite logo design ideas: A1, A5 and A6...What do you think about them...? From here on out I thought it was time to choose the A6...But in retrospect I think the A1 has more professionalism, brand, high quality, simplicity and robustness...
So finally I decide to choose the A1 logo design idea as Modern Logo Designer’s new logo…

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