I am Modern Logo Designer...I am using this blog to share my logo design ideas,templates and my experience and knowledge about logo design with you...! If you want to contact me personally, email me at the following email ... modernlogodesignerinfo@gmail.com


About us

Do you want to create a logo for your business / website?
Are you a logo designer?
Are you a student of logo design?
Do you love logo design?
You're in the right place ...

         I am Windy Abeywardena...I am professional graphic designer and photo editor with over 4 years experience...I do any graphic design work like flyer design,cover design,poster design...But I specially love to logo design...I'm not sure what caused it...But I think logo design is more special than other graphics...A logo is the trademark of a business...The logo symbolizes the business...The logo gives the business an identity...Not only the business, but also the countries, organizations, schools, universities, religious places...Many businesses have succeeded because of the quality and strength of their logos...How important is a logo to mark a product?...Take Adidas and Puma brands, for example...The whole world covers the brand because of its logo...That in itself shows us the importance of a logo...

   So I'm starting this site to talk about logo design...Here I will share with you my knowledge, experience and ideas on logo design...So stay with me...Thank You...!!!

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